The overarching mission of the Foothill-De Anza Faculty Association (“FA”) is to create an outstanding work environment for all faculty that inspires academic and teaching excellence. To fulfill this mission, FA serves as the exclusive collective bargaining representative for all faculty in matters pertaining to employment and professional relations, pursuant to California State law, the District Agreement, and FA’s sense of professional responsibility.
Specifically, the top priority of FA is to contribute to maintaining high morale through a program of salaries, benefits, work standards, conflict resolution and professional development that is among the best in the nation, one that attracts and rewards highly motivated educators who know how to serve our diverse student population and the complex needs of our community. This is achieved by developing and maintaining an Agreement with the District Board of Trustees that codifies the terms and conditions of employment.
FA is deeply committed to supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion. This is reflected in an understanding that these are not simply buzzwords but achieved through an individual and organizational reflection and compassion that manifests itself in the work we do, how we serve our members, and how we hold ourselves out to the District community. We embrace the complexity this presents and the intersectional ways that our diversity expresses itself in our communities.
FA supports equity for all faculty within both colleges and the District, and we believe student equity and faculty equity to be interrelated and interconnected.
FA is committed to being an inclusive and anti-racist organization. As an organization, FA advocates against discrimination based on race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, class, ethnicity, language, indigenous ancestry, place of origin, employment status or any other form of personal or systematic bias that impacts the lives of students and campus employees. To ensure the equal educational opportunity of all students and the creation of a just society, FA embraces the call for the elimination of racism and other forms of systemic bias from all aspects of our community.
FA acknowledges the important contributions of all faculty, part time and full time, instructional and non-instructional and is actively working towards parity, while acknowledging the organization exists in a two-tiered system of employment.
FA champions fairness, democracy and political activism by exercising strong leadership and advocacy for faculty at the state and local level. FA is committed to the fight for social justice and offers opportunities to participate in this fight through civic engagement opportunities with, for example, the FA Political Action Committee.
Socioeconomically, FA recognizes the ever-changing landscape of the realities of living and working in the Bay Area. This includes issues of work-life balance, equity, supporting/protecting working conditions and meeting the needs of faculty to maintain a secure quality of life, especially near campus (i.e. living in the community where they teach).
FA empowers faculty by providing the following:
FA seeks to operate as an inclusive and transparent organization that recognizes and supports all of its members. As a self-reflective organization that strives to internally assess our practices through a Continuous Improvement Model, FA encourages both member feedback and participation in union matters:
Revised 10/19/2022