The Faculty Association Political Action Committee (FA-PAC) [FA-PAC – FAFHDA] and the FA-PAC Internship Program (FA-PAC IP) [FA-PAC Internship Program – FAFHDA] have much to celebrate and much to be thankful for this year.

In fall, we rallied for part-time healthcare at Evergreen, interviewed board candidates, and endorsed Patrick Ahrens for Assembly. We advocated for the Arts facilities at De Anza and student/employee Housing throughout the year. On the budget front, we received a special allocation from DASG enabling us to hire an additional intern, Shreya Rallabandi, for the primary election.

In winter, we conducted a voter registration drive and “Know Your Ballot” and “Political Awareness Day” events at De Anza and Foothill, respectively. We recruited and mobilized more than 100 volunteers for the successful Ahren’s primary election campaign. We attended the FACCC Advocacy and Policy Conference and met with state assembly members and senators. We participated in the March in March. And, last but not least, DASG increased our Fund 46 allocation for 2024-2025 to $12,639! 

In spring, we recruited, interviewed, and hired new interns. We produced video testimonials on the internship program and the importance of the Student Representation Fee (SRF). We boosted the hourly pay for interns next year by $2.27/hour, from $17.60/hour to $19.87/hour. 

Please allow us to introduce the 2024-2025 intern cohort:

  • De Anza Interns: Khadijah Abdalla, Riki Alvarez, Gillian Grubb, Audrey Kim (continuing) and Jeremiah Moli
  • Foothill Intern: Shaurya Kadiyala 

Other good news: Rami Abukhater will be taking on the role of Intern Coordinator!

We want to give a big thanks to everyone involved in making this such a successful year:

  • De Anza Interns: Rami Abukhater, Antonio Facio, Justin Fry, Audrey Kim, Shreya Rallabandi, and Leila Salam
  • Foothill Interns: Raiyah Hussain and Molara Mabogunje
  • Intern Coordinator: Isabel Caballero Teixeira
  • Faculty mentors: Laura Chin, Eric Reed, Daphne Small, Danny Solomon, and Bob Stockwell 

We are so proud of our graduating interns! You all “Isabelled” it! You will be missed.

We give special thanks to Eric Reed for his tireless leadership and dedication to the Housing Task Force. 

Many thanks to DASG and ASFC for their support, which is vital to the success of the faculty-student collaborative internship program. 

We also want to thank PAC supporters whose voluntary contributions [FA-PAC Voluntary Payroll Deduction Form] fund PAC activities and faculty mentor stipends. 

If you’re interested in getting involved in the PAC or the FA-PAC Internship Program, please contact Bob Stockwell. Thanks for your attention! 

Click the image above to hear Leila Salam
talk about her experience in the FA PAC

Click the image above to hear Isabel Caballero Teixeira 
talk about her experience in the FA PAC